
Police Basic Training


Division of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Associate Dean: Deborah Beall

The program has been approved by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services to meet Phase I of the Police Academy Training. (Phase II occurs after employment.) Entry into the program requires approval from the program coordinator, and completion of all remediation requirements. This certificate is not a guarantee of employment. No persons with a felony conviction in any state will be accepted. All applicants will be required to supply the following information prior to being accepted in this program: a) FBI/DCJS criminal history; b) NYS driver’s abstract from the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles proving the applicant’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle in the state of New York; and c) CCC Health Form documenting immunizations and an up-to-date physical exam which documents the ability of the applicant to perform the physical tasks in the PFIT curriculum. Due to physical fitness requirements from the NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services, all students will be required to successfully achieve a 40% rating on a physical fitness test based on the Cooper Norms, administered by staff designated by the session director and conducted in accordance with NYS DCJS guidelines. Due to the competitive nature of employment positions in law enforcement, each applicant will be required to successfully pass an oral board interview conducted by staff designated by the session director.

Graduates will:

  • Have attained a level of expertise in the areas of: New York State Laws, crime scene investigations, physical training, defensive tactics, emergency medical services, emergency vehicle operations, and many other ancillary police activities sufficient for New York State Phase I Certification

In accordance with NYS Civil Service Law for the appointment of police officers, preference for acceptance will be given to applicants who are between 20 and 34 years of age.

Twenty-six (26) credit hours of this program can be applied towards the completion of the Criminal Justice A.A.S. degree and 19 credit hours of this program can be applied towards the completion of the Criminal Justice A.S. degree.

Program Requirements

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits
Course Sequencing

Intended as a guide for academic planning. It need not be followed exactly or completed in four semesters.

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Sub-Total Credits