Division of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Associate Dean: Deborah Beall
Students seeking a bachelor’s degree in accounting, business, economics, marketing, sports marketing, business management, sports management, human resource management, operations, management, tourism, hospitality, entrepreneurship, or finance should take the Associate in Science (AS) degree transfer program of study. This program is designed to parallel the courses they would otherwise be taking during the first two years of study at a four-year college. A faculty advisor will guide students in selecting electives that will make transferring to a four-year college as efficient as possible. After completion of our AS degree, many students choose to work while finishing their bachelor’s degree, as Corning Community College has recently developed bachelor’s (four-year) degree completion and articulation agreements with other colleges in our region.
Students in this program must meet 7 of the 10 SUNY Knowledge and Skills areas, 2 core competencies (Critical Thinking and Information Literacy), and have 30 SUNY General Education credits. Please note that of the 7 Knowledge and Skills areas, the following 4 are required: Communication-Written and Oral; Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning; Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning; and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice. For more information on the SUNY General Education requirements please see General Education Requirements.
Graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate the foundation of business knowledge required to successfully complete the next level of courses post CCC;
- Have the ability to complete a baccalaureate degree in two years post CCC;
- Have the opportunity to specialize in a variety of business-related areas;
- Achieve a broad-based liberal arts education suitable to multiple applications and transfer programs of study.
Intended as a guide for academic planning. It need not be followed exactly or completed in four semesters.
*Based on placement, students might be required to take developmental and/or prerequisite classes before taking the required English and Math courses.
*If a student needs to take lower-level math courses in preparation for the required math courses, the extra hours of math credit can be used as part of liberal arts and sciences electives. Students will be guided in their MATH selections based upon prospective transfer schools.
*Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice (DEI/SJ) Course: See General Education Requirements for courses that meet this requirement.
*Liberal Arts & Sciences Electives: Should be chosen from The Arts, US History & Civic Engagement, World History & Global Awareness, or World Languages. For a list of courses, see General Education Requirements.